Why are you Sad?

A Deep Scientific Dive into Seasonal Affective Disorder

Jheets Jots
The Mole Biologists
3 min readNov 21, 2020


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Have you ever felt inexplicably low? Like all of a sudden the sun sets earlier, the temperature drops a couple of degrees and your internal battery drains a little bit quicker? It becomes more difficult to get out of bed in the morning and you appreciate the simple pleasures in life a little less? Some may call it the winter blues but to you…



Jheets Jots
The Mole Biologists

Novice Writer| Tech, Biology, and Social Psych| BSc in Molecular Genetics 🔬 Dreamer 💭 Poet 🖋Tamil Canadian| Creator of https://medium.com/the-mole-biologists